Thursday, October 13, 2011

ATW practice 1

   112-4 was the final tally mark on a vote in illinois that will allow young students who are in the U.S illegally to pay instate tuition rates at illinois colleges and universities. ''An education in citizenship" edited from the Chicago Tribune in march 31,2003 it  talks mainly about the landslide of a vote that was passed and the unfairness it brings to the legal citizens around the U.S. But I disagree with the story , I feel that it is good for the U.S to give illegal studentsa cheaper education.
   One reason that i disagree is because immigrants deserve chances that they don't have like american citizens do. Plus there hardworking people . Today if you were to look in most hospitals the majority of employers are born outside of the U.S with degrees and phd's. Plus the state of New York test scores show that asians have the highest percentage of passing grades. Giving people who are not born here the benefit of a cheaper education is good for the U.S Most likely if they are illegal their parents cannot afford tens of thousands of dollars every semester for there child . Not to mention that they are hardworkers and show more dedication ,its only fair to give the harder worker a chance that they deserve.

   Another reason why i disagree is because comming from an immigrant background i know personally how it feels to not be able to pay for an education because of where your from. My family is from jamaica and when i was younger my mother wasnt legal at the time. She worked at a daycare at home and because she was illegal she couldnt put my sister through college because she didnt have a social security number . Now if this bill passed at the time my mother would have been able to afford to send my sister to school . She was trying to attend virgina tech. Illegal students are not eligible for pell grants or federal loans. Just because there from a different background and is illegal doesnt give us the right to take away there education.

  So we see that chicago illinois recently passed a bill allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition rates. Even if illinois is charging legal citizens form other states more, the senetors know that immigrants will work harder for less money.

1 comment:

  1. There is only one essay present when there are supposed to be two. The summary in your essay is alright and you present the main idea. There are grammatical mistakes present in the essay. “Plus the state of New York test scores show that asians have the highest percentage of passing grades”, here it seems as though you side tracked a bit as you were talking about the study of illegal immigrants and now you talk about immigrants, as do not make it clear whether in this example you talk about illegal or legal immigrants. The body paragraph has enough examples and I think with a little more editing this will most probably be a passing essay.
